A few months back, Jackalope brewer, Nathan Gundy, sat at Surly Brewing Co. in Minneapolis, Minnesota and had a beer unlike one he’d had before – a brut IPA. Created within the last 6 months by Kim Sturdavant of Social Kitchen and Brewery in San Fransisco, California, this style of beer has become a new sensation among brewers when looking to create a light IPA that still possesses unique traits. With its newness comes a lack of set style guidelines which, “leaves plenty of room to experiment,” expressed Nathan excitedly. Peluda is the first beer made by Jackalope in which the brewers have utilized the powers of an enzyme. By using amyloglucosidase, the complex sugars that don’t get fermented in a normal ale are eaten up by this enzyme, causing it to drink very dry, similar to a brut champagne.
We’re all aware of the popularity of New England style IPA’s, so Nathan wanted to make an IPA that was somewhat similar in style that would appeal to fans of the New England style, but different enough to set this beer apart. Peluda is made with flaked corn, red wheat, Pilsen malt, and Amarillo and Citra hops, so you can expect it to be dry, aromatic, and light-bodied. And if you’re wandering what the heck Peluda means, you won’t be surprised to find that it follows the mythological theme of most other Jackalope beers. The Peluda was a French mythological dragon who was the only animal to not be invited onto Noah’s Arc (sad face), so we decided to invite Peluda, instead, on our new experimental brew journey. Available on tap at both the Den and the Ranch, show some love to Peluda during your next visit!