Earth Day Litter Pick-up in Wedgewood-Houston

March 25, 2022by Jackalope Lisa
In celebration of Earth Day and Jackalope’s 11th anniversary, Turnip Green Creative Reuse and Jackalope will team up for another litter pick up in the Wedgewood- Houston Neighborhood!
Overview: Turnip Green Creative Reuse and Jackalope are teaming up for another litter pick up in the Wedgewood-Houston neighborhood! Volunteers will join us at Jackalope Brewing Company (429B Houston St.) and pick litter from the surrounding neighborhood. As a thank you for your efforts, volunteers get a free pint token to use at Jackalope’s taproom – The Ranch (those under 21 can redeem for a Sprecher Root Beer or Maypop Sparkling Water).
What to expect: Volunteers will be picking up litter in the Wedgewood-Houston area. Volunteers will be provided with safety vests, litter grabbers, gloves, and trash bags. Please bring a water bottle and wear close-toed shoes.
PLUS, Merrell is giving away a pair of shoes to one lucky participant!