In celebration of Earth Day and Jackalope’s 11th anniversary, Turnip Green Creative Reuse and Jackalope will team up for another litter pick up in the Wedgewood- Houston Neighborhood!
Overview: Turnip Green Creative Reuse and Jackalope are teaming up for another litter pick up in the Wedgewood-Houston neighborhood! Volunteers will join us at Jackalope Brewing Company (429B Houston St.) and pick litter from the surrounding neighborhood. As a thank you for your efforts, volunteers get a free pint token to use at Jackalope’s taproom – The Ranch (those under 21 can redeem for a Sprecher Root Beer or Maypop Sparkling Water).
What to expect: Volunteers will be picking up litter in the Wedgewood-Houston area. Volunteers will be provided with safety vests, litter grabbers, gloves, and trash bags. Please bring a water bottle and wear close-toed shoes.
PLUS, Merrell is giving away a pair of shoes to one lucky participant!